πŸ‹Deploy using Docker

Docker compose is the easiest way to get started with self-hosted Impler

Before you begin

You need the following installed in your system:

Quick start

Clone the repository, get into the docker directory, and start the containers.

# Get the code
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/implerhq/impler.io

# Go to the docker folder
cd impler.io/docker

# Copy the example env file
cp .env.example .env

# Update the following AWS S3 credentials in the .env file

# Start Impler
docker-compose up

After the application containers are started, you can visit http://localhost:4200 to start playing with Impler.


To help you get started fast, we have integrated the following services with docker-compose,

  • rabbitmq - Used to communicate between api and queue-manager

  • mongodb - Used as a database

We recommend you decouple the database in order to keep the data safe.

Have any doubts? Shoot us a message directly on Discord.

Last updated