Angular Embed

Using @impler/angular package you can embed CSV Excel Importer into your application with just few lines of code.

Here is the step-by-step guide to embed CSV Excel Importer into your angular application using @impler/angular.

Add Script

You copy this snippet to your code before the closing body tag.

<script type="text/javascript" src="" async></script>

It will add impler variable in window, so you can call its init and show method.

Install the Package

Add @impler/angular in your application by running the following command.

npm i @impler/angular
# or
yarn add @impler/angular

Use Impler Service

@impler/angular provides ImplerService that you can use to initialize and show an importer to your application.

import { RouterOutlet } from '@angular/router';
import { isPlatformBrowser } from '@angular/common';
import { Component, Inject, PLATFORM_ID } from '@angular/core';
import { EventCalls, EventTypesEnum, ImplerService } from '@impler/angular';

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [RouterOutlet],
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrl: './app.component.css',
export class AppComponent {
  title = 'impler-app';

    private implerService: ImplerService,
    @Inject(PLATFORM_ID) private platformId: Object
  ) {
    if (isPlatformBrowser(platformId)) {
  public show(): void {
      colorScheme: 'dark',
      projectId: '...',
      templateId: '...',
      accessToken: '...',

Customize Texts

public show(): void {
    texts: {
        REVIEW_DATA: 'Check Data', // New Title

Listening for Events

Usage Example

import { EventCalls, EventTypesEnum, ImplerService } from '@impler/angular';

export class AppComponent {
  title = 'impler-app';

    private implerService: ImplerService,
    @Inject(PLATFORM_ID) private platformId: Object
  ) {
    if (isPlatformBrowser(platformId)) {
      this.implerService.subscribeToWidgetEvents((eventData: EventCalls) => {
        switch (eventData.type) {
          case EventTypesEnum.DATA_IMPORTED:
            console.log('Data Imported', eventData.value);

Applying App's Color Scheme

Your application may be developed by keeping dark and light modes in mind. So to let the Import widget show the widget overlay properly, you need to pass colorScheme in showWidget function.

Allowed values for colorScheme are light or dark.

public show(): void {
    colorScheme: 'dark',

Data Seeding in Sample File

You can provide default data to fill in the Sample file that gets generated from the Import widget. Default data acts as a placeholder for the user to add or update the data further.

Here is an example of how to provide data to fill in the sample file,

public show(): void {
      data: [
          { country: 'Canada' },
          { country: 'Australia' },
          { country: 'Germany' },

Providing Runtime Schema

The schema and output provided in the portal for any import behave as default values for any Import. It's possible to override the default schema and output, to adapt a dynamic nature of Import.

Here is an example of how to provide dynamic schema and output,

public show(): void {
      schema: [
            key: 'country',
            name: 'Country',
            type: 'String'
      output: {
        "%data%": {
          "country_id": "{{country}}"
        "page": "{{page}}",
        "chunkSize": "{{chunkSize}}",
        "isInvalidRecords": "{{isInvalidRecords}}",
        "template": "{{template}}",
        "uploadId": "{{uploadId}}",
        "fileName": "{{fileName}}",
        "extra": "{{extra}}"

Advanced Validations

You can provide Advanced Validations in the column as validations key,

public show(): void {
    schema: [
        "key": "Department Code",
        "name": "Department Code",
        "type": "String",
        "validations": [
            "validate": "unique_with",
            "uniqueKey": "Employee No"
        "key": "Employee Id",
        "name": "Employee Id",
        "type": "Number",
        "validations": [
            "validate": "unique_with",
            "uniqueKey": "Employee No"

Using Typescript

If you're using typescript, you can leverage typescript types, like,

import { useImpler, ColumnTypes, ValidationTypes } from '@impler/angular';

public show(): void {
    schema: [
          key: 'country',
          name: 'Country',
          type: ColumnTypes.STRING,
          "validations": [
              "validate": ValidationTypes.LENGTH,
              "min": 5,
              "max": 100,
              "errorMessage": "Country Name must be between 5 to 100 characters"

Passing Extra Parameters

It's an obvious need that we want to pass parameters like userId or orgId representing who imported the data. In that case, you can pass that data in an extra parameter.

You can pass string, object, or array in extra. Here is an example of how to do it,

public show(): void {
    extra: {
      userId: '4ddhodw3',
      time: new Date().this string()

The extra parameters get sent to an application during the webhook call.

Programmatically Closing Import Widget

Impler's import widget provides closeWidget a method that closes the import widget. Useful to close the import widget once data is imported.

public close(): void {

Changing Import Title

By default, the Import widget takes the name of the Import to show in the title. But it's possible to change the title from the implementation side too. Helpful to keep the title separate from what the name is given in the web portal.

public show(): void {
        title: "Employee Import"

Changing Theme Color

You can pass a primary color to the import widget, which will update the colors of all buttons accordingly to match your app's theme color.

public show(): void {
        primaryColor: '#5f45ff'

Providing Authentication Header Value

In case the backend endpoint is authenticated with the token, it's possible to provide token value from the implementation side. You can provide a string or async function that returns the token value.

public show(): void {
        authHeaderValue: async () => {
            return "..."

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Last updated