Text Customization

Customize Import Widget to match tone of your application. Use this feature to update text or localize the Import Widget

Available Texts

Although you may not need to update every text on the import widget. Here is the complete text object which is used in Impler.

Texts contain variables, Like {total} which is used to put dynamic value. For example, 12K in the case of import confirmation.

    SORRY: 'Sorry!',
    CANCEL: 'Cancel',
    CLOSE_WIDGET: 'Close',
    UPLOAD_AGAIN: 'Upload Again',
    GENERATE_TEMPLATE: 'Generate Template',
    UPLOAD_FILE: 'Upload',
    MAP_COLUMNS: 'Map Columns',
    REVIEW_DATA: 'Review',
    COMPLETE_IMPORT: 'Complete',
    CONFIGURE_JOB: 'Configure',
    SCHEDULE_JOB: 'Schedule',
    CONFIRM_JOB: 'Confirm',
    DROP_FILE: 'Drop and drop a file here or ',
    BROWSE_FILE: 'Browse from computer',
      'Image size should be less than 5 MB. Supported formats are PNG, JPG and JPEG.',
    BRING_FILE: 'Bring any .csv or .xlsx file here to start Import',
    FILE_SELECTED: 'File selected successfully',
  'PHASE0-1': {
    IMPORT_FILE: 'Import File',
    GENERATE_TEMPLATE: 'Generate Template',
    IMAGE_INFO_TITLE: 'Generate template with images',
      'Drag and drop images below for image columns and generate a template file containing names of uploaded images.',
  PHASE1: {
    SELECT_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED_MSG: 'Please select a template from the list',

    SELECT_SHEET_NAME: 'Select sheet to Import',
    SELECT_SHEET_NAME_PLACEHOLDER: 'Select Excel sheet',
    SELECT_SHEET_REQUIRED_MSG: 'Please select sheet from the list',

    DOWNLOAD_SAMPLE: 'Download sample',
    GENERATE_TEMPLATE: 'Generate Template',
    SEE_MAPPING: 'See Mapping',

    SELECT_FILE_NAME: 'Select a file',
    SELECT_FILE_REQUIRED_MSG: 'Please select a file',
      'File type not supported! Please select a .csv or .xlsx file.',

      "We couldn't find the template you're importing! Please check the passed parameters.",
      'This import does not have any columns. Please try again after some time!',
  PHASE2: {
    REVIEW_DATA: 'Review Data',
    IN_SCHEMA_TITLE: 'Column in schema',
    IN_SHEET_TITLE: 'Column in your sheet',
    MAPPING_NOT_DONE_TEXT: 'Not Mapped',
    MAPPING_DONE_TEXT: 'Mapping Successful',
  PHASE3: {
    COMPLETE: 'Complete',
    EXPORT_DATA: 'Export Data',
    RE_REVIEW_DATA: 'Re-Review Data',
    ALL_RECORDS_VALID_TITLE: ' All records are found valid!',
      'All {total} row(s) found valid! Would you like to complete the Import?',
    LABEL_ALL_RECORDS: `All {records}`,
    LABEL_VALID_RECORDS: `Valid {records}`,
    LABEL_INVALID_RECORDS: `Invalid {records}`,

    REPLACE: 'Replace',
    FIND_REPLACE: 'Find and Replace',
    ALL_COLUMNS_LABEL: 'All Columns',

    FIND_LABEL: 'Find',
    FIND_PLACEHOLDER: 'Empty Cell',

    REPLACE_LABEL: 'Replace',
    IN_COLUMN_LABEL: 'In Column',
    CASE_SENSITIVE_LABEL: 'Case Sensitive',
    MATCH_ENTIRE_LABEL: 'Match Entire Cell',
  PHASE4: {
    TITLE: 'Bravo! {count} rows have been uploaded',
      '{count} rows have been uploaded successfully and currently is in process, it will be ready shortly.',
    UPLOAD_AGAIN: 'Upload New File',
    MAPCOLUMN: 'Map Column',
    SCHEDULE: 'Schedule',
    IN_SCHEMA_TITLE: 'Column in schema',
    IN_FEED_TITLE: 'Key in your RSS feed ',
    CONFIRM: 'Confirm',
      'Expression values are incorrect. Please update values as per valid values below!',
    TITLE: `{total} rows will be deleted. Are you sure?`,
    DETAILS: 'This action cannot be undone.',
    CANCEL_DELETE: 'Cancel',
    TITLE: `Are you sure? You will lose your work in progress.`,
    DETAILS: 'Your import is in progress, clicking <b>Yes</b> will reset it.',

Texts for Manual Import

When doing manual import of data the most commonly used texts are mentioned below. You can customize the same texts if you want to change language.

  "COMMON": {
    "SORRY": "Sorry!",
    "CANCEL": "Cancel",
    "CLOSE_WIDGET": "Close",
    "UPLOAD_AGAIN": "Upload Again"
    "GENERATE_TEMPLATE": "Generate Template",
    "UPLOAD_FILE": "Upload",
    "MAP_COLUMNS": "Map Columns",
    "REVIEW_DATA": "Review",
    "COMPLETE_IMPORT": "Complete",
    "CONFIGURE_JOB": "Configure",
    "SCHEDULE_JOB": "Schedule",
    "CONFIRM_JOB": "Confirm"
    "DROP_FILE": "Drop and drop a file here or ",
    "BROWSE_FILE": "Browse from computer",
    "IMAGE_FILE_SIZE": "Image size should be less than 5 MB. Supported formats are PNG, JPG and JPEG.",
    "BRING_FILE": "Bring any .csv or .xlsx file here to start Import",
    "FILE_SELECTED": "File selected successfully"
  "PHASE1": {
    "SELECT_TEMPLATE_NAME": "Template",
    "SELECT_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED_MSG": "Please select a template from the list",
    "SELECT_SHEET_NAME": "Select sheet to Import",
    "SELECT_SHEET_NAME_PLACEHOLDER": "Select Excel sheet",
    "SELECT_SHEET_REQUIRED_MSG": "Please select sheet from the list",
    "DOWNLOAD_SAMPLE": "Download sample",
    "GENERATE_TEMPLATE": "Generate Template",
    "SEE_MAPPING": "See Mapping",
    "SELECT_FILE_NAME": "Select a file",
    "SELECT_FILE_REQUIRED_MSG": "Please select a file",
    "SELECT_FILE_FORMAT_MSG": "File type not supported! Please select a .csv or .xlsx file.",
    "TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND_MSG": "We couldn't find the template you're importing! Please check the passed parameters.",
    "INCOMPLETE_TEMPLATE_MSG": "This import does not have any columns. Please try again after some time!"
  "PHASE2": {
    "REVIEW_DATA": "Review Data",
    "IN_SCHEMA_TITLE": "Column in schema",
    "IN_SHEET_TITLE": "Column in your sheet",
    "MAPPING_NOT_DONE_TEXT": "Not Mapped",
    "MAPPING_DONE_TEXT": "Mapping Successful",
  "PHASE3": {
    "COMPLETE": "Complete",
    "EXPORT_DATA": "Export Data",
    "RE_REVIEW_DATA": "Re-Review Data",
    "ALL_RECORDS_VALID_TITLE": " All records are found valid!",
    "ALL_RECORDS_VALID_DETAILS": "All {total} row(s) found valid! Would you like to complete the Import?",
    "LABEL_ALL_RECORDS": "All {records}",
    "LABEL_VALID_RECORDS": "Valid {records}",
    "LABEL_INVALID_RECORDS": "Invalid {records}",
    "REPLACE": "Replace",
    "FIND_REPLACE": "Find and Replace",
    "ALL_COLUMNS_LABEL": "All Columns",
    "FIND_LABEL": "Find",
    "FIND_PLACEHOLDER": "Empty Cell",
    "REPLACE_LABEL": "Replace",
    "IN_COLUMN_LABEL": "In Column",
    "CASE_SENSITIVE_LABEL": "Case Sensitive",
    "MATCH_ENTIRE_LABEL": "Match Entire Cell"
  "PHASE4": {
    "TITLE": "Bravo! {count} rows have been uploaded",
    "SUB_TITLE": "{count} rows have been uploaded successfully and currently is in process, it will be ready shortly.",
    "UPLOAD_AGAIN": "Upload New File"
    "TITLE": "{total} rows will be deleted. Are you sure?",
    "DETAILS": "This action cannot be undone.",
    "CONFIRM_DELETE": "Yes",
    "CANCEL_DELETE": "Cancel"
    "TITLE": "Are you sure? You will lose your work in progress.",
    "DETAILS": "Your import is in progress, clicking <b>Yes</b> will reset it.",
    "CONFIRM_CLOSE": "Yes",
    "CANCEL_CLOSE": "No"

Have any doubts? Shoot us a message directly on Discord!

Last updated